> start
welcome to my carrd
i'm still a piece of garbage, as always !i am SO SORRY this is so long i got distracted so all you really need to look through is > info and > byf/dni/blacklistif you'd like to read something shorter [or less blue] then here's my rentry![ last updated: jan 16 2023 ]
[ also slightly updated jun 30 2023 ]
> table_of_contents

hello!! i'm rand0m_anon, call me rand0m! zero not required
pronouns: she / they / it [anything, no-masc]
cis, minor
timezone: PHT [13 hours ahead of EST]
> info
> i doodle [ibispaint x / ms paint] and very rarely do animations [roughanimator / capcut] !!
> i actually do make art, i just . forget
> oh yeah sometimes i write fanfics and such [ao3, google docs / windows notepad]!! i've only started doing that more recently but i like to think i'm good at grammar-checking and script-editing in general [that last part is a lie]> note please don't call me Anon as a name!! using it as a noun is fine [like “rand0m the anon”] but i just need to clear that up> 10 hours of sleep? never heard of em
> i don't roleplay usually
> oh and! if i;m acting like i'm trolling you or being sassy it's usually bc either i think we're joking or i'm actually pissed
> interests
> if you're not comfortable with any of these please tell me!! i don't want to make anyone uncomfortable[☆] – primary interest/s (talked about a LOT)
[✧] – secondary interest/s
[─] – tertiary interest/s
[✕] – quaternary interest/s (former interests, almost never mentioned unless someone else brings it up)☆ object shows
> ☆ hfjone [ONE]
> ✧ the waiting room [TWR]
> ✧ inanimate insanity [II]
> ✧ obsolete battle show [OBS]
> ✧ battle for circle [BFC]
> ─ nice show for weenies [NSFWEENIES]
> ─ battle for dream island: the power of two [BFDI]
> ─ object battle city [OBC]
> ─ animated inanimate battle [AIB]
✧ undertale + deltarune [UTDR]
─ the henry stickmin collection [THSC]
✕ just shapes and beats [JSAB/JS&B]
✕ project arrhythmia [PA]
✕ problem sleuth [PS]
✕ team fortress 2 [TF2] but specifically only the comics
> fav_characters
[☆] – primary, current favs / comfort characters
[✧] – secondary
[—] – tertiary, i probably forgot☆ nail/owen [ONE]
☆ soda bottle/bryce [ONE]
☆ backpack/liam [ONE]
☆ magazine/taylor [ONE]
☆ mephone4 [II]
☆ test tube [II]
☆ fan [II]
☆ papyrus [UT]
✧ golf ball [BFDI]
✧ tennis ball [BFDI]
✧ eggiey [NSFWEENIES]
✧ sharpie [NSFWEENIES]
✧ kris [DR]
✧ berdly [DR]
— rouxls kaard [DR]
— spamton + the addisons [DR]
— lightbulb [II]
— medic [TF2]
— dave panpa [THSC]
— sven svensson [THSC]
— reginald copperbottom [THSC]
— hubert galeforce [THSC]
— charles calvin [THSC]
— problem sleuth [PS]
> ships
> if you're not comfortable with any of these tell me and i'll tag it!
> oh and anything that's a ✧ or lower can be qpr, i don't mind i'll like it either way
_ _
[☆] – one true pairing/s
[✧] – ship/s i love
[—] – ship/s i like
[✕] – ship/s i do enjoy but don't care about
_ _
> i'm kinda uncomfortable with cabtube [cabby / test tube, II] or charmelia [charlotte / amelia, ONE] but i won't mind if you post content of it!
> can you tell i love the friends to lovers trope ahshahaha
_ _
☆ nailpack/patchwork/owiam: owen / liam [absolute favorite, cannot tag - sorry :(]
☆ sodanailpack: owen / liam / bryce
☆ honestly any poly combining any of the liam or bryce ships here works
☆ sodascentpack: liam / amelia / bryce
☆ sodapack/lice: liam / bryce
✧ scentpack: liam / amelia
☆ awesome youtubers as a couple
☆ mintymath: julien / oscar
☆ stockazine/tayris/firearms: taylor / charise [I NAMED IT FIREARMS LMAOO]
☆ whippyseat/screamy/wheat: subway seat / whippy creamy
☆ sodaspoon/bryley: bryce / bradley
✧ charker/candybread/nutella: charlotte / parker [personally i view the two as exes, and their relationship would be before the whole mold thing]
— charcle/charcoal/mole: moldy / circle
✧ melonscent/game: amelia / garrett [don't ask how i thought of this /lh]
✕ aircle/hairy: host circle [BFC] / airy
battle for dream island
☆ tengolf: golf ball / tennis ball
☆ fireafy: leafy / firey [i am cringe but i am free, can tag if requested but cannot tag rts]
✧ 4x: four / x
— coinpin: coiny / pin
✕ wooddrop: woody / teardrop
inanimate insanity
☆ fantube: test tube / fan [otp]
☆ payjay: oj / paper
☆ bickel: baseball / nickel
✧ lightbrush: lightbulb / paintbrush
✧ silverbrush: silver spoon / paintbrush
— marshple: marshmallow / apple
✕ suitloon: suitcase / balloon
nice show for weenies
☆ blockwill: blockbuster / goodwill
☆ badbad: badbuster / badwill
✧ steve japple / cookie
— steve japple / firefox [firefox oc by anxihazel on insta]
_ _
☆ i want toriel and asgore to get back together so kris/frisk/chara can have a happy family. does that count
✧ kris / susie / noelle / berdly [literally any ship between these four i don't care if anyone is excluded]
✧ krerdly/krispy fried chicken: kris / berdly
✧ suselle: susie / noelle
✧ swatchton: swatch / spamton [because it's funny]
_ _
☆ copperright: reginald copperbottom / right hand man
☆ galetrov: hubert galeforce / dmitri petrov
☆ panprice: dave panpa / rupert price
✧ curtisson: sven svensson / burt curtis
— rave: terrence suave / randy radman
_ _
> do_not_interact
if you ...
> insult people for taking something seriously that was apparently meant to be a joke
> are bigoted, lgbt+phobic, or a “MAP”/“PEAR”/pedophile supporter
> post nsfw content on the account you're using to interact with me [suggestive jokes are perfectly fine, i'm referring to r34 specifically]
> ship real people [that aren't already dating/married] without their consent
> repost art without credit and/or permission
> hate on non-problematic comfort characters/ships and interests [actual hate, not as a joke, and simply being uncomfortable with something doesn't count]
> are a homestuck fan . slash jay problem sleuth is better es em eych
> before_you_follow
> PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you softblock/hardblock me tell me why!! :( exceptions are if you mention in your bio/site that you block freely
> if you don't like what i post but i appear on you timeline anyway, mute instead of blocking me pleas [this is more optional]
> i don't like dreamsmp and would rather not hear about it [i mute]
> i will probably post airy [ONE] neg at some point, just a warning if you're uncomfortable with it
> i either retweet/reblog a lot or just post whatever i am thinking of. dont follow me just for art or doodles i'm really slow and procrastinative <3
> i don't usually retweet things about controversy or drama [or discrimination or boosts]!! sorry :( i will retweet mutuals' commission posts though!!
> i sometimes need tone indicators. if i get confused about something you said i'll ask [probably .]
> i am idiot i will misunderstand please forgive me
> blacklist
[✧] – perfectly fine if we're friends
[—] – mildly dislike
[✕] – will not tolerate✧ the phrase "kys" and variations, excluding "kms"
✧ insulting me for not realizing they were joking
✧ homestuck in general? it's fine i just don't want to be involved .
yeah i like problem sleuth but i dislike homestuck. i just didn't like sburb i gue ss
✧ the ships cabtube [II] and charmelia [ONE]
✧ i'm a bit uncomfortable with airy [ONE] being referred to with she/her, i'm really sorry - i usually just mute people, nothing else
— ships with specific person/s portrayed as helpless, submissive, and/or being the damsel in distress all the time
— comparing me/traits I have to bad people, claiming I am “just like [them]”
— depictions of sex
implications and jokes are perfectly fine just no actual hard p0rn
— sh*t-talking about actual online people [excluding yknow politicians, celebrities, big figures], no matter how bad they are or what they did [related to the bullet point at the very bottom of this list]
✕ pedophilic ships, ships with large age gaps [there are SOME exceptions to the second one, like when both characters are immortal and physically + mentally adults], abusive ships when actually shipped and not for angst or anything like that yknow
✕ HEAVILY INSULTING ANY GROUP, NO MATTER HOW BAD - sorry it makes me anxious <3
e.g. saying all homophobes should 'eat s**t' or 'go to hell and never come back' excessively [in this case specifically because there are people who used to be homophobic but have changed]
> how_i_type
i have no idea why i added this section actually i think i just wanted this carrd to have way too many pages for a carrd . don't trust me with carrds i will hit the 50 element limit /hj> i use brackets [] as parentheses [except for when i forget or when it's something like a title]
> i use this > for narration usually. like for example “> RAND0M_ANON exists” because i like the text adventure vibe
> a space before a piece of punctuation that shouldn't have a space before it [e.g. “so .”] usually means a pause at the end of the sentence, and a double space either represents a pause in the middle of a sentence or is one of my Sleep Deprived Typos [which is technically the same thing since i just function worse when sleep deprived hah]
> i use emoji [😁/🤯/🎉] and the <3 / </3 when i am not being completely serious and especially when i am joking in the "bullying my friends <3" way
> i like tone indicators! here's a list of the ones i use
> if i use a lot of tone indicators [like /J /J /J or /jjjj] that increases the intensity [in that example it would be heavily joking]
> i tend to sometimes word things weirdly, like using complicated words in the middle of a sentence or switching to computer terminology because i think it's fun! if you don't understand what i mean just tell me i'll try to restate it
> you know the thing where you capitalize Important Words to give them stress in a sentence? i do that
> i keysmash sometimes. especially when i find something funny
> [sometimes] emoticons!! :D oh vgod that looks terrifying in monospaced fonts never mind
> socials